【メール受信設定のお願い】 ⚠️特に携帯キャリアメールをご利用のお客様
商品ご購入時に自動送信されるメールの送信元アドレスは noreply@thebase.in です。
また、お問合せへの返信の送信元アドレスは info.interstellar@gmail.com です。

🎤 ヨーロッパツアー決定!
🎤 ボーカル Kotono 脱退のお知らせ
💿 3rd EP「Come see me」2024年11月20日リリース! 好評発売中。

🖥 KOIAI YouTubeチャンネル開設! チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/@KOIAIofficial
🎧 3rd EP「Come see me」 配信中。➡️ https://linkco.re/zt158hSX
🎧 2nd EP「Deep Love」 配信中。➡️ https://linkco.re/gpdv8d6x
🎧 1st EP「Deep Indigo」 配信中。➡️ https://linkco.re/VU1gUvhn

【Please set up your email address to receive our emails.】

The source address of the email automatically sent to you when you purchase a product is noreply@thebase.in.

The address from which we reply to your inquiries is info.interstellar@gmail.com.

Please make sure that you have these email addresses set to receive our emails.
(Note): Pre-order app does not support PayPal.

🎤 KOIAI's first show in Europe is set!
🎤 Notification of departure of vocalist Kotono
💿 The 3rd EP "Come see me" physical copy is now available!!

🖥 KOIAI YouTube channel is launched. Don't forget to subscribe! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/@KOIAIofficial
🎧 3rd EP "Come see me" is now available for streaming/download. ➡️ https://linkco.re/zt158hSX
🎧 2nd EP "Deep Love" is now available for streaming/download. ➡️ https://linkco.re/gpdv8d6x
🎧 1st EP "Deep Indigo" is now available for streaming/download. ➡️ https://linkco.re/VU1gUvhn